Most dyslexics will exhibit 10 or more of the following traits and behaviors. These characteristics can vary from day-to-day or minute-to-minute. The most consistent thing about dyslexics is their inconsistency.
Career | General | Math, Time Management, Directions
Reading, Writing, Spelling | Behavior, Health, and Personality
Math, Time Management, Directions
- May understand higher math, but can't show it on paper.
- May excel at math, or may still rely on tricks for remembering math facts.
- Relies on calculators or finger counting. May have difficulty with making change.
- Difficulty with left/right and/or North, South, East, West.
- Gets lost easily or never forgets a place they've been.
- Difficulty reading maps.
- May have anxiety or stress when driving in unfamiliar places. Relies on others to drive when possible.
- May lose track of time and is frequently late - or is highly aware of it and is very rarely late.
- Finds it difficult to estimate how long a task will take to complete.