Most dyslexics will exhibit 10 or more of the following traits and behaviors. These characteristics can vary from day-to-day or minute-to-minute. The most consistent thing about dyslexics is their inconsistency.
Career | General | Math, Time Management, Directions
Reading, Writing, Spelling | Behavior, Health, and Personality
- Highly intuitive - known to have "street smarts." Is often "dead on" in judging personalities of others.
- May be able to sense emotions and energy of others.
- Remembers struggling in school.
- May have dyslexic children. Experiences guilt when seeing own child struggle. Insecurities arise while reading to own children or helping them
with homework.
- Easily distracted/annoyed by noises and other things in environment.
- May appear to "zone out" and be unaware that it is happening.
- Enjoys video games.
- Misspeaks, misuses, or mispronounces words without realizing it.
- May have poor balance or is/was very athletic.
- May have excellent recall of events that were experienced or not remember
at all.
- May confuse past conversations or be accused of "not listening."
- Difficulty remembering names of people, but remembers faces.
- Difficulty remembering verbal instructions or directions.
- Poor recall of conversations or sequence of events.